Be Sozoed
Sozo: VERB a: To Save b: To Heal c: To Deliver
The word “sozo” is used more than 110 times in the New Testament. It is a Greek verb meaning to be saved or rescued from under Satan’s power and restored into the wholeness of God’s order and well-being.
What is Sozo?
The Sozo Ministry is a unique inner healing and deliverance ministry based at Bethel Church in Redding, CA, whose main goal is to get to the root of those things hindering your personal connection with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Sozo Ministry sessions help you receive healing from spiritual and emotional wounds, to uncover lies that keep you from living out the truth of who you are in Christ Jesus.
-Sozo is an inner healing/deliverance ministry.
-Sozo is simple, fast, Spirit-led, and effective.
-Sozo finds issues in minutes instead of years.
-Sozo heals your relationship with God to enable you to fulfill your destiny.
Our aim is to love people and bring healing of past wounds, break strongholds, replace lies with truth, and close “doors” to the enemy. We want people to connect to the Godhead in a more intimate way in order for them to continue to walk out and fulfill their destiny.
To request a personal sozo session fill out the form below

Why do I need a SOZO?
If you are struggling with depression, anxiety, hopelessness, fear, and loss of purpose or perhaps have experienced a tragic loss, Sozo ministry can help. Perhaps you struggle with PTSD or need inner healing from past relationships. There are many reasons that this type of ministry can be beneficial.
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” – 2 Timothy 3:17
What can I expect in a Bethel SOZO session?
A Sozo session lasts about 90 minutes* and is typically conducted by two to three team members who have been trained and mentored to personally minister to you. Sozo is not a counseling session; it is a time for you to connect with Father God, Jesus and Holy Spirit in ways that personally matter to you.
It usually includes these elements:
• A brief interview process
• Facilitated prayer to help identify roots of emotional pain
• Prayers to receive God’s truth and blessing.
*Please let us know if you have a physical challenge that would impede you.
Is it safe to be honest in a Bethel SOZO session?
Yes, we provide a safe, gentle, non-intimidating environment, which allows for a time of interacting with Father God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit (the Godhead). Encountering the Godhead in this way reveals His great love, brings deep inner healing and allows you to experience wholeness while gaining a better understanding of God’s purposes for your life.
“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” – Romans 8:28
Do I need to be a Christian to receive ministry?
No, you don’t. It does not matter what you are going through or what you believe, God knows you. Our heart is for relationship not religion; that you would have an encounter with God that has nothing to do with theology, religion or what your current belief system is.
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11
How often should I have a session?
Some individuals return annually or as a need arises, it’s entirely up to you. Unlike traditional counseling, this ministry reduces the long-term need for extended sessions and many times one or two sessions is all that is necessary. One of the goals of Sozo is to teach you how to use the “tools”, so that you can continue your journey to wholeness.
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” – Proverbs 3: 5-6
SOZO From a Pastor’s Perspective
Builds a Healthy Church
- In church life there is the normal struggle of unhealthy people affecting the community as a whole.
- Sozo allows for people to get free from their issues and start functioning in a healthy productive way.
- Greatly diminishes the amount of time needed for counseling.
- Provides tools that people can use personally.
- SOZO builds faith for healing as people hear the testimonies of others healing.
Provides an Avenue for people in the church to be more productive
- Helps people sharpen their gifting.
- Gives people a greater sense of impacting others with the kingdom.
- Builds a closer sense of unity in the church.
- Is the platform for the culture of honor in a community of believers?
Provides a way for a local church to impact the community for the kingdom.
- Opens up doors of ministry.
- Gives an opportunity to reach into the community by giving something that directly impacts people’s lives.
- Is another way of opening the church doors to people that might not otherwise enter the church.
- Can build deeper unity with other churches as your ministry team grows outside of your church.
Signs of a healthy church
The unhealthy don’t control the vision or atmosphere of the community. It remains healthy.
- Control isn’t used from the leadership to the community or the community to the leadership.
- There is an honoring of the individual gifts in the church.
- There is an honoring of where a person is in their path to growth and healing.
- Offenses are handled in a healthy way with reconciliation and forgiveness the primary goal.
- The overall vision of the community is seen as the goal not the particular agenda of an individual. Leadership is trusted to facilitate this.
- The leadership facilitates the flow of the gifts in conjunction with the vision of the community.
- The expectation of healing and deliverance are a core belief of the community.
- People coming into the atmosphere of the community will notice love and freedom.
- Joy is a central expression of the community.
- The manifestation of Holy Spirit will be a normal and regular part of the community instead of something scheduled in.
Thank you SO MUCH for being willing to be used of God in my healing process. May God richly bless you and encourage you this day and forevermore.
God’s love is embracing.
Very simple & wonderful process that is refreshing and restoring. A quiet, profound breakthrough!
I believe EVERYONE should experience at least one (sozo) session. I was so, so BLESSED.
Very fruitful, freedom, breakthrough, joyful, peace and mercy.
I feel a sense of freedom from my past.
I appreciated the spirit of kindness and compassion that flowed from this team…Keep up the fine work that you are doing! Many thanks & many blessings!
I feel every person in ministry should go through Sozo.
I very much appreciated the help in walking through some difficult things, going beyond the surface, and releasing the pain, hurt, shame and all to Jesus and letting Him take it.
I didn’t know what to expect, and wasn’t able to prepare much – But God definitely met and spoke to me…very, very fruitful.
It was thoroughly freeing experience for me. Like one of the songs. It left me astounded and amazed. God showed His glory as never before.
I received my identity, wall broken, healing my orphan spirit, dealing with anger. Receiving power back to decide. Awesome – I met w/Father, Son and Holy Spirit in a powerful way.
I have recommended to many people to have a sozo done here. It was wonderful!
Loved it!!!
It is very helpful to go through issues one may not be aware of and get healing and release from.
Golden—a breakthrough into the riches of Christ.
This was a life changing experience – I thank God for the wisdom and guidance of the team. I was strategically led to breakthrough.
I feel more peace like a weight has lifted off of me.
Learn the truth about the controversial and life-changing ministry of Bethel Sozo.
Taylor Berglund is the assistant online editor at Charisma Media and the co-host of the podcasts “Charisma News” and “C-Pop.”
Jesus came to set the captives free, and believers have been casting out demons for thousands of years with two words backed by the power in His name: “Come out.” But one revelation of modern-day deliverance ministry is driving debates in the 21st-century church. It’s called Sozo–based on a Greek word used in the Bible that means “to save, heal, preserve and rescue,” according to Strong’s Concordance.
We first see the word sozo in Matthew’s Gospel when the angel Gabriel announced to Mary that’s he would bear a son and call His name Jesus, and He will “save His people from their sins” (Matt. 1:21). When the Bible refers to Jesus saving people, sozo is frequently the word used.
But sozo also connotes inner and eternal healing. The Greek word is found in Scriptures related to God’s healing power, like the woman with the issue of blood who crawled through a crowd to touch the hem of Christ’s garments (Matt. 9:21-22) and the demonized man Jesus set free (Luke 8:36).
Despite the biblical backing, many Sozo practitioners are getting hate mail and accused of spreading New Age deceptions with bad theology–but they’ve also witnessed miraculous results in the lives of believers who were once bound by darkness.
“Sozo is a listening prayer ministry, where we are trained to facilitate an encounter with God for the purpose of healing past wounds, discovering lies or deceptions that hinder you in your faith and bringing you into the truth,’ says Bill Kline, Bethel Sozo’s regional director for the Rocky Mountain Region. “We rely upon the Holy Spirit to lead us in every Sozo. Consequently, no two Sozos will be exactly identical or the same. Since Sozo is no a procedure, and it’s not therapy and it’s not counseling, we can only describe it as a framework…
Click here for the full article on CharismaMagazine’s website.